A Bilingual Protocol Text Mentioning The Caliph Al-Walīd - Egyptian National Library Inv. No. 66, 95-96 AH / 714-715 CE
Islamic Awareness
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First Composed: 18th December 2005
Last Modified: 19th December 2005
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Assalamu ʿalaykum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu:
Figure: (a) Picture of the papyrus and (b) the content of the papyrus.
[] encloses letters supplied to fill a lacuna.
95-96 AH / 714-715 CE.
15.5 cm x 23 cm. Yellow-brown, in several places darker coloured, coarse cardboard-like papyrus. The text of the protocol, written in blackish brown ink, occupies the first sheet of the roll entirely. On the reverse there are two lines of a Coptic text written in black ink across the horizontal fibres.
Accession No.
Inv. No. 66.
The translation of text is given below. The Arabic text is in italics:
- [In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful]
- [In the na]me of God, the
- [Compas]sionate and Merciful
- [There is no] god but God alone, Mu[ḥammad is the Messenger of God].
- [There] is no god but God alone,
- [Maa]met is the Apostle of God.
- The servant of God, Al-Walīd, Com[mander of the Faithful]
- [The servant of God] Alulid
- [Commander of the Faith]ful
The cartouche of the perpendicular writing on the right hand side contains δ and below this is the figure ιγ meaning the thirteenth indiction, 714/15 CE [lines 8 and 9 of Fig. (b)].
Egyptian National Library, Cairo.
[1] B. Moritz (Ed.), Arabic Palaeography: A Collection Of Arabic Texts From The First Century Of The Hidjra Till The Year 1000, 1905, Publications of the Khedivial Library, No. 16, Cairo, Plate 100:3.
[2] C. H. Becker, "Das Latenische In Den Arabischen Papyrusprotokollen", Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie Und Verwandte Gebiete, 1909, Volume 22, p. 178.
[3] A. Grohmann, Arabic Papyri In The Egyptian Library, Volume I, 1934, Egyptian Library Press: Cairo, No. 11, pp. 20-21.
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